Field Measurement
Complete Curbs offers a field measurement service. Units that are already on an adapter or units and curbs that have been field altered from factory specification. If you have a unit that is currently sitting on an adapter, you need to go down to the original installed curb. In most cases we can measure through the adapter down to the original curb to determine the correct adapter to build. If you have unit with a non-factory curb installed, we take field dimensions to build an adapter to fit that job application. We can measure the pitch for sloped roof curbs along with metal building roof pitch and profile of panel.
For a nominal charge and within a 100 mile radius of Houston, CCP will perform a field measurement of the existing units on adapter applications where the model number of the existing unit is not accessible or roof top conditions prohibit a standard ‘spec to spec’ curb. This can be especially beneficial on multiple adapter count projects. Requests for field measurements outside of this area can be provided but will include travel expenses.
Corrosion Protection
In addition to the products we manufacture, CCP offers several components to assist our customers in their installation. For installation of curb adapters and package curbs, we offer 1/4″ x 1 1/2″ close Cell Neoprene Sponge Gasket Material in 25′ rolls. For installation of metal building curbs, we provide metal clips (loose or welded on) in any roof profile requested, including R-Panel, M-Panel, Standing Seam, Batten Lok, Ultra-Dek Cap and Plug, etc.
We also offer Dek-Cap universal, standing seam end cap flashings in lieu of metal clips, and Dek-Tite and Retrofit Dek-Tite Flexible Pipe Flashing System for plumbing, HVAC, electrical, and exhaust vents.
For specific installation instructions, please refer to your installing contractor as methods vary per product and roof type.
Windstorm Certification
Texas gulf coast counties are continuously exposed to windstorm damage from hurricane high winds, water and flooding. The State of Texas has established codes and building requirements to help protect these areas from extensive damage due to high winds and related problems caused by hurricanes. The State of Texas maintains a Windstorm Insurance Fund for the fourteen (14) counties that the major insurance carriers do not provide windstorm insurance.
The Texas Department of Insurance, Windstorm Inspections Division is responsible for obtaining compliance with the State Standards. The Department of Insurance has certified licensed professional engineers to perform compliance inspections and certifications to the State.
Certification by a Texas Department of Insurance approved engineer allows the structure owner to obtain insurance through the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association for properties located in hurricane prone areas of Texas. Structures need to be windstorm certified in order to be insured by the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association. In order to obtain Windstorm insurance from the state fund, the property owner must obtain a WPI-2 Wind Certification Certificate which certifies the project has been reviewed, designed and sealed by a Structural Engineer Registered in the State of Texas and approved to participate as a Professional Engineer by the Texas Department of Insurance.
For Windstorm Certification Questions, please contact Joe Brooks at 210-410-1279 or email: joebrooks@completecurbs.com with your specific job site requirements.
Engineered Curbs
Looking for an Engineered Curb? We can design the right solution for you.
Internal Isolation Curbs feature a 1” to 2” deflection. Seismic and windstorm certifications are available for most applications and manufacturers. Please send us the equipment submittals, including the manufacturer’s curb drawing, along with our Complete Curb Products Windstorm and Seismic Information sheet detailing site specific requirements.
Curbs with filters up to MERV 14 are available for major equipment manufacturers. Please send us the specifications, the equipment submittals, and the manufacturer’s curb drawing. We will generate a quote upon receipt of a purchase order. Drawings will be produced within 24 hours.
These curbs are designed for large custom equipment. Please send us the equipment submittals, including the manufacturer’s curb drawing. We will work with the Structural Engineer of Record to develop the curb design for approval.
Complete Curb Products
The Best Engineered Curbs in the Industry.. Get in touch with Complete Curb Products to get a quote on your curb needs.